Angry neighbors

Review by: syytön
Published: 1629935222000
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Kamila Queen

Bad experience, not because of her but the place she lives with only 4 apartments there. I booked miiting with 1 day before so could travel to come visit her, i was on time aka 3 minutes early as a gentleman, after waiting 3 minutes there, her neighbor came and asked "what are you sneaking here", i told that "i'm just waiting to see a friend" and he asked "which apartment because i know everyone who lives here" and i said "i dont know, havent been here before". i messaged kamila and she didn't want to help and open her door or tell the door i should knock and added to that the guy said he knows each and everyone who lives there, i think kamila is prank profile because i didnt even get to see her and instantly after arriving givem adress i get called out that im sneaking and i shouldnt be here. I believe that real person behind kamila knows that area is some shady area that you are not welcomed to go if you arent known by that

Did she live up to your expectations?

No, i just got accused that im up to something not good

Did you get anything not on the menu?

Yes, angry man accussing me og sneaking on his yeard when i actually was only standing stil checking my phone and waiting for respond

Did she deny you anything on her menu?

If kamila really is existiting person, denied meeting even she didnt warn that her neighbors are going to tell me to leave

Time and place of the experience

24.8.2021 12.30

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Kamila Queen

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