She looks ok

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Jennifer Victoria

Well... I'm giving her a single star because you have to give something... I just want to say that she looks ok, but the experience was not even worth a fiver. I was barely allowed to touch her and she almost did not touch me. Her cock is smaller in reality and for the most of the time not hard...

It all ended with by me beaking off a bad sexual experiences.. She got her 800 kr, but I will definitely not be back...

Did she live up to your expectations?

No absolutely not... For those who consider her: Instead buy a dinner or some nice clothes for yourself... She is not worth the money.

Did you get anything not on the menu?

Yes, a huge disappointment.

Did she deny you anything on her menu?

Yes. I was barely allowed to touch her.

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Jennifer Victoria*)

Siste av 1 anmeldelser: She looks ok

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*) Jennifer Victoria også kjent som: Frederika

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