Beatrice Evans*)

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*) Beatrice Evans er også kendt som: Veroniquee, Mistress Beatrice og Lady Evans

  • Størrelse
    20 cm
  • Alder
    26 år
  • Højde
    178 cm
  • Vægt
    54 kg
  • Type
  • Nationalitet
  • Sprog
    engelsk, spansk, tysk, fransk
  • Social media
  • Modtager

There are many positives that come with being an escort yet they are never mentioned, personally I believe it is because the qualities are so obvious they go without saying.

Here are just a few: Starting off with a point that is quite pleasant, what's the pain about a 9-5 job? I can hear, all you 9 to 5ers moaning right now...

The fact you can't pick the hours. When you're an escort you have a lot more of a unique selection when it comes to working hours.
Because I am an independent worker I get to choose when and where I want to work.

The money I earn? Best I think I just gloss over this and say I am very happy (so as to avoid the green eyes monsters) I have brilliant hours and even better pay.

Another great point is, who does not enjoy going out and getting money spent on them, seriously?

As an active working beautiful German high class escort, I am taken to the most beautiful places around and the most elegant of destinations, I dine like royalty and then accompany clients in fancy bars and clubs afterwards. It’s such a lavish lifestyle.

The main negative is that its not easy to share with others my wonderful working life , simply because others go red with rage - probably from being jealous , so I have learnt its best to keep my wonderful working escapades to myself.

Kisses from a very happy High Class escort who does every thing by the book !!!

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