Kenia er i: Helsinki, Finland

Kenia er på ferie og kan ikke kontaktes.

  • Størrelse
    ? cm
  • Alder
    29 år
  • Højde
    12 cm
  • Vægt
    59 kg
  • Type
  • Nationalitet
  • Sprog
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Hello love, I'm DIVA, I'm a 29-year-old transsexual escort, nymphomaniac style, I have a totally feminine body, because my photos are natural because I don't think the exaggerated use of Photoshop is cool. In our meeting I attend to you in a polite, affectionate, sweet and att
Tekst findes på følgende sprog:

My name is KENYA I'm 29 years old, sexy Brazilian T Girl with a BIG SURPRISE!!!!

I am extremely clean, I have sexy outfits, I SMELL GREAT AND I HAVE AN AMAZING BODY! YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED! Also, my flat is very comfortable, SUPER CLEAN!

Great place to to meet you...

I am ready to fulfil your desires and fantasies. And would hope our meeting would be memorable, and mind blowingly pleasurable for you.

you will receive an ECXELLENT TREATMENT, I promise u

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