Bianca Cordelly er i: Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Ring meg på: (+55) 021991988638

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  • Størrelse
    20 cm
  • Alder
    19 år
  • Høyde
    170 cm
  • Vekt
    - kg
  • Type
  • Nasjonalitet
  • Språk
  • Social Media
  • Mottar

Innholdet er tilgjengelig på følgende språk:

HELLO! I present myself as "BIANCA CORDELLY", a super Transsexual. I'm always good-humored and happy about life. My purpose here is to invite you to a delicious banquet where the focus is on "SEX"

I accept credit Cards.

Love learning and teaching new little things, spicy, distinct costumes, who knows me well knows what I'm capable, sex for me not to have to have limits, I love hanging out with couples, with 1, 2 or more men, Way is my favorite dish.

Furthermore, I am very hot and super dirty, then: If you want to leave a little of the routine and do something different and more pleasurable just come to me.

I am active, passive and totally no frills ...

Please only connect interested, do not answer restricted calls.

Service only with prior appointment a half hour or 40 minutes in Hotels and Motels.


Se profilens galleri under denne annonsen

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