Miss hannah er i: Antwerpen, Belgia

Ring meg på: +32467848486

WhatsApp: +32467848486
- nevn at du fant annonsen på ShemaleWiki1695408044000

  • Størrelse
    21x5 cm
  • Alder
    26 år
  • Høyde
    173 cm
  • Vekt
    58 kg
  • Type
  • Nasjonalitet
    Colombia, Spania
  • Språk
    engelsk, spansk
  • My cam chat
  • My OnlyFans
  • My Social media
  • Mottar

My name is Rose, I am one of the most recognized trans models in my country (Colombia) with charisma and an overwhelming Personality that will always make you feel welcome. Professional model, Escort lady, with excellent experience and professionalism. Only for high-level gentlemen, and of good taste. If you have any questions or have something to tell me, don't hesitate to contact me

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